“It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.”

~ Hugh Laurie

shutterstock_138463640As I was scrolling through Instagram the other day, I came across this quote, and even though I’m not a fan of memes on a site meant to showcase photos, it spoke to me. I’ve been putting off the start of my second book …waiting until I feel more ready. It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I’ve been meaning to schedule interviews with high-performers but instead I throw out excuses like “I’m too busy speaking” or “There’s too much catching up to do in the office because I’ve been on the road so much.” The truth is, these interviews will be with high-performers in a variety of fields from all walks of life… and because I want to go after some heavy-hitters, that intimidates me. And then I read the quote. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.

In my world a failure to launch doesn’t just apply to that grown child who still lives at home and doesn’t really know what to do with their life. I think it also relates to any important task or goal in your life that sits idle; waiting for you to get enough time, energy, courage or smarts to kick it into gear. There is almost no such thing as ready.

Why wait? There is only now. There is a benefit to launching. There are lessons to be learned by throwing yourself in to the ring and working things out along the way. If you don’t have all the pieces in place you’ll pick them up on as you go, and you’ll have momentum on your side…successes and insights that won’t reveal themselves unless you’re moving. Sitting won’t make it easier.

With my interviews I will start with people I know, hone my skills as I go, and set my sites on the major leaguers a dozen or so interviews down the road. It’s a simple way to overcome overwhelm and I’ll probably have alot of fun once I get started. Stay tuned here for excerpts from those very interviews!

What are the things in your life that you’ve delayed because you don’t feel you’re ready? What will it take for you to get over it and get on with it? Starting is the the tough part, so start small and let the momentum roll you through each step.

Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.