“Every positive change in your life begins with a clear, unequivocal decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing something.”

~ Brian Tracy

Makes sense

There are only so many hours in a day and you can’t do it all. When life gets hectic look closely at all that you’re doing and ask yourself; Am I focusing on the right stuff?

Every time you say YES to something you’ll have to say NO to something else. Every time you agree to stay late to finish a project you say no to that workout, or time with your family. When you say yes to staying out late you say no to energy and mental alertness the next day. Yes to spending too much means no to savings. Yes to poor eating habits, no to weight management and health. You get the drift.

Choose to do more on the constructive side, and stop doing the things that are sapping your energy, productivity or passion. Now that’s a positive step.

Need guidance? Let’s talk 1:1 coaching. Say YES to success and NO to status quo.


Energy TV for the New Year

This Energy TV video is one of our best and it’s a perfect kick in the butt for any excuses you’re still holding on to. Let them go! 2015 is your year!

Cruise to Bermuda. Book by end of January!

When was the last time you did something just for you? Want to make 2015 a pivotal year in your life? Press PAUSE and come play with us & discover how to have MORE of the great stuff in life.

8 days, 7 nights, 3 days of on-board programming. From NYC to Bermuda May 31st to June 7th!

For information and to book one of only 80 spots visit www.summitatsea.ca

Book by end of January and get 2 free coaching sessions with me!

50 shades