“It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures.”
~ Oprah Winfrey

It’s why I wrote Energy Now.

When we feel great about ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, great things are possible. But I think Lady O is overlooking something; that confidence actually comes from taking care of health and emotions and spirit, it’s not a precursor. YES!

It’s why, no matter how busy you get, it’s important to prioritize self-care. It’s the ultimate competitive edge you have control over. And what an edge it is. Better energy, creativity, attention-span, memory, concentration and problem-solving all lead to greater self-confidence … which you’ll no doubt use to move mountains!

What part of your self-care needs some love? More exercise, healthier eating or better sleep? A bit more attention to relationships or down-time or hobbies? Take the time, and frame it as an investment in your success. If you need some small-steps guidance buy the book.

Carpe Freakin’ Diem!

Need help with help with self-care?  Ask me about 1:1 coaching!

Want to see me in action?This short Speaker Demo video shares segments of some of my most popular presentations. Watch and share. I’m booking for 2016 & 2017 engagements now!

High-performers exist at every level of your organization, so what are you doing to tap into your team and unleash their energy?

When you embrace the energy habits of high-performing people you show up as a leader and strive for success in all you do. You take on bigger challenges, and better manage stress. You find ways to take care of your energy – mind, body and spirit – no matter what is coming at you. You feel great about yourself and your capabilities. What’s possible from there?

Contact Michelle to learn more about keynotes and workshops that will help you do just that.