“The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.

~ Debbi Fields

E-spirations (Energy Habits) is back!

In order for me to be the best at what I do, every now and then I need to walk my talk by taking a break to re-evaluate and re-energize. I took some time off this summer to do just that. I’ve been getting some business and personal coaching, spending time with my family, and making a few changes to my website and offerings. I’m still focused on health, energy and productivity, only now I’m bringing it to you with an emphasis on The Energy Habits of High-Performing People.

When you embrace the energy habits of high-performing people you show up as a leader and strive for success in all you do. You take on bigger challenges, and better manage stress. You find ways to take care of your energy – mind, body and spirit – no matter what is coming at you. You feel great about yourself and your capabilities. What’s possible from there?

So from now on, each week I’ll be sharing quotes and ideas to help you embrace high-performance energy habits that will help you unleash those possibilities! I’ll also be tweeting daily energy habits so be sure to follow me on twitter @4worklifeenergy or via the link to the right. It’s nice to be back. I hope you feel the same way.

See below for two amazing events you won’t want to miss.

Join me for these amazing upcoming events!

ONE DAY COULD CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Join me and 5 other amazing speakers November 17, 2014 for the fifth annual one-day Empowering Alberta Conference at the Matrix Hotel in Edmonton. This one day conference is designed to inspire, educate and empower you to embrace your future with courage and passion and could change your life!

Grab your friends & colleagues or go on your own, just GO! for information and tickets visit this link. I hope to see you there.

Empowering alberta
Ladies…did someone say ‘Cruise to Bermuda’?

When was the last time you did something just for you? Want to make 2015 a pivotal year in your life? Are you struggling with juggling being good at it all; a woman, a mom, a lover, a professional? Press PAUSE and come play with us & discover how to have MORE of the great stuff in life.8 days, 7 nights, 3 days of on-board programming. From NYC to Bermuda May 31st to June 7th!

For information and to book one of only 80 spots visit www.summitatsea.ca


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